Tuesday, May 25, 2010

36 Days Later and W.H intervenes!

It's been more than a month since the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, and yet BP continue to move at snail pace to clean up the mess. Not to mention the chemicals used to clean the rocky shores are extremely harmful to the touch and can cause lung damage. Why is BP still in charge of this clean up? Better yet, why isn't our government stepping in to save the wildlife and the livelihoods of those that are depended on the Gulf to make ends meet? Hotels have had to shut down their private beaches due to oil washed up from the Gulf.

Day 36, and the White House finally has decided to intervene. This is clear that BP has been under representing the severity of the oil spill. This spill is potentially more severe than the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska in 1989! The Valdez spill reportedly released 10.8 million gallons of crude oil, scientists believe the oil spill in the Gulf could be estimated up to 12 million gallons.

So while BP is focused on pledging 500 million dollars to a 10 year independent research program on the effects of crude oil on the marine environment, the Congress will be quadrupling the gas tax to 0.32 cents a barrel to pay for the clean up. It is projected to bring in 11 billions dollars for the next decade.

Is this really enough though?

1 comment:

  1. At the end of the day its our governments fault for not properly regulating the Oil industry and BP for wasting there money on "environmentally friendly advertisement" geared to make them appear as a petroleum company who actually cares about the environment and it actions! They should have put their money better technology to ensure this didn't happen! Those Fucker!(pardon my french)
