Monday, June 21, 2010

Hey BP, you are useless.

Okay, so it's been a while since I've kept up with this blog, but I've just become a bit more enraged because BP just simply can careless of the impacts of oil on the wildlife in the Gulf.

In the midst of all the public blunders which include comments such as the "small people" or"i just want my life back" or Tony Hayward participating in a yacht race with his son in the Isle of Wight in Europe, BP ought to change their name from British Petroleum to Being Pretentious. Or at least it seems that way, since BP decided to use 50 millions dollars to launch TV ad campaign and radio ads on their continued efforts to clean up the Gulf. Hmm... sounds promising, why not use that money to ACTUALLY clean up the oil spill.  Doesn't seem that complicated.

The blunders just show how disinterested BP is in their efforts to clean up their own mess. Instead the importance lies in reassuring their stockholders that they have everything under control. Or as Hayward would say very modestly that in comparison, what is a little dispersant or oil in the Gulf of Mexico, it is a very big ocean after all. Let me tell you, now that Tony Hayward, is a bright cookie. 

So when is this going to end, because I'm very modestly tired of reading about their public blunders, I just want to hear that the spill has been contained and the animals are now safe.

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